1·Hareton is born to Hindley and Frances but the latter soon dies of tuberculosis, causing Hindley to gradually fall apart.
2·As always at this time of the season, we should be in for a fascinating few weeks as the missing pieces in the 2007 driver puzzle gradually fall into place.
3·Analysts had expected the prices of e-readers would gradually fall because of the natural decline in component costs and the increased profitability of e-books themselves.
4·Many patients who would otherwise survive die each year while awaiting an organ transplant. These advances in regenerative medicine mean their number will gradually fall.
5·It is the result that in process of pathological changes induced by nitrosamine compounds, the genome methylation level were gradually fall, and then keep the steady statements.
6·The traditional thought that human nature has the tendency of "good", and gradually fall into the habit of life, people should strive to return to the nature of life, which is "rational".
7·If I go too many months without time logging, my productivity gradually drops as I fall back into unconscious time-wasting habits.
8·Experience from previous crises has shown that, while earnings and employment tend to fall precipitously in response to growth deceleration, recovery occurs gradually. [viii].
9·He says that prices will fall by 6% or so in 2011 and will then languish for a while before gradually recovering.
10·Winding down slowly allows them to fall gradually.